Monday, April 21, 2008

my response to the meat-eating question....

Is it up to anyone to say that anything is morally right for a group of people other than themselves as an individual? If pressed to say whether or not it is morally right for the average US citizen to eat animals, I would have to say no. But that doesn’t mean that people should stop or are going to stop doing it.
I am a meat-eater, after being a vegetarian for about three years. I have thought several times about returning to the lifestyle, but it’s something I have a hard time doing. So instead, I do what Miller suggest, and eat meat “mindfully.” Does it make it right that I don’t eat the meat of animals that are kept in factory farms and slaughtered carelessly? No, but it eases my own consciousness a little bit.
Miller’s self-righteous article does not justify eating meat. It justifies it to himself, saying “as long as I eat meat that is treated humanely, I’m okay, because at least the animal didn’t suffer as much.” Just because the animal does not suffer as much does not mean that it does not suffer. I don’t really think that it makes a difference to the animal if it dies painfully, or if it dies humanely. Either way, the poor animal dies.


Human beings will be happier - not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That's my utopia. - Kurt Vonnegut

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