Tuesday, April 15, 2008

class yesterday notes: crimes against humanity

Why didn't we take the "crimes against humanity" route when it came to pressing charges against Saddam Hussein?
The list of his crimes against humanity is extensive and as serious as his other crimes. So why didn't we go that route with charging him? It was ultimately what he was sentenced to death for. One of our main purposes for going into Iraq was to get Saddam Hussein due to alleged Weapons of Mass Destruction. This is a very fuzzy claim, as many classmates have discussed. He even admitted that there were no WMDs in Iraq, that he was just saying it to keep Iran at bay.

Perhaps if we had decided to go after Saddam Hussein for his crimes against humanity, instead of lies about oil and nukes, we wouldn't still be there, and more people throughout the world would support our intents.


I still believe that peace and plenty and happiness can be worked out some way. I am a fool. - Kurt Vonnegut

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