Thursday, April 17, 2008

Murrow and some thoughts

The obscure we see eventually. The completely obvious, it seems, takes longer. - Edward R. Murrow

This is kind of how I feel about our current subject: Music. I feel as though what music is is completely obvious, yet we still need to try and define it, and everyone's definitions are going to be different. So far in class we've come to semi-solid conclusions regarding pretty obscure things like time, the morality of eating animals, and the validity of our country's current occupation of Iraq. Yet here we are discussing something that has had and will continue to have an impact on every member of the class, as though it is something foreign to us. We are being asked to define music, as though it were a vocabulary word in junior high. I'm not questioning the validity of the assigned Q&A, I'm just saying that I find it a little amusing and feel as though this quote from Murrow speaks to the class' current situation.

What do you think?


The only proof he needed for the existence of God was music. - Kurt Vonnegut (of himself)

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