Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Just a thought...

Just a thought that kicked into my brain today when we were talking about the "animals are friends" attitude that children have, and how part of growing up is letting go of that idea, and moving to the "animals are food" attitude:

I eat meat. But I refuse to eat certain meats: veal, lamb, and venison. I have my reasons for each, but the reason for venison is the one that is most pertainant to today's discussion. I don't eat venison because of the way it was first offered to me. Here's the scene:
I'm maybe five or six years old, and my cousin David, an avid hunter, offers me some venison.

Me: What is it?
David: Venison.
Me: What's that?
David: It's deer. Just like Bambi.


David K. Braden-Johnson said...

I suppose the same could happen if we kept pigs and chickens as pets and called "bacon and eggs" "pig flesh and unfertilized chicken embryos"

richard said...

Maybe your cousin ( i hope) used than Bambi reference to describe what dear was because he figured you might know; giving your age what a dear was. At the same time, your recount of that incident hits the nail on the head when we talk about why certain animals may be eaily eaten than others